Purpose, the most important ingredient

After talking with countless people, I believe there is a crisis within humanity. That crisis is that countless people today are walking around on a daily basis questioning their purpose. Asking why they are here. Asking what they are supposed to do with their life. It’s a terrible state to live in to really question their existence. To know that you’re living but truly not knowing why! So I make this bold statement – the number one source of frustration in life is not living out your purpose!

There are five questions every person must be able to answer throughout their life. At the center of these five questions is the question – Why am I here? This is a question of purpose. I like what John Maxwell said, “there are two days in a person’s life, the day they were born and the day they know why.”

If you are searching for your purpose or are already on that journey, let me walk you through some basic concepts that may help you on that path. Let’s begin on the principles of purpose. By going through these concepts and the additional downloads you will be on your way to living out your dreams. In doing so, discovering your purpose enables stop wasting your life and start to fulfill your potential.

1.God is a God of purpose

God created everything with a purpose and with the ability to fulfill that purpose. Did you know purpose determines design? Yes, think about the purpose of a running shoe is made with extra cushion to support the heel and arch of the foot. You would never wear high heel shoes to run with, would you? No, that would be crazy because the purpose of the high heel shoe isn’t for running. God’s plan and purpose stand forever unchanging, the purpose of his heart through all generations, as Psalms 33:11 states.

2.God created with a purpose

Why are humans different from animals? Why are birds different than fish? Why is the sun different from the moon? Why are women different from men? As you would guess, God created everything with a purpose. God even created colors. Yes, certain color attract a specific insect for pollination or bird for food supply. Just as God created everything with a purpose, God as our manufacturer knows exactly what we need and is able to supply that need.

3. Where purpose is unknown abuse is inevitable

In the running shoe and high heel shoe example. If a person did use the high heel shoe to run in, and let’s assume that person didn’t understand the purpose for that shoe, what would happen? Blisters, sore feet, perhaps a twisted ankle. The shoe in most cases would completely fall apart because where purpose is unknown abuse is inevitable. When we reject God’s purpose or cut ourselves off from the manufacturer we can not expect to find genuine parts. We can not develop into a better product without help from the manufacturer.

4.To discover purpose, never ask the creation, ask the creator

So many people will go around other people at work, at church, on social media to get answers but in the end may not move in the desired direction. I encourage you the go the source, go to our manufacturer, go to our creator. Like it states in Genesis 1:31, God saw all that was made and it was very good. Nowhere in creation did God say it was very good, except for the day he created mankind. In the same light, you are very good. Know that you are worthy to have the potential to pursue your dreams and live out your purpose.

5. We find purpose only in our maker

We truly find purpose we take our eyes off ourselves and look to something bigger. If you’ve been on a sports team, the teams that typically have success are the ones that play together and play for a higher purpose. It’s not a one-man show but a team when the team is bigger than the individual.

6.God’s purpose is the key to our fulfillment

There is nothing greater knowing that God has placed greatness inside each of us and knowing that he has a purpose for us, that gives us true fulfillment.


As I mentioned before there are two days in a person’s life, the day they were born and the day they know why. These principles of purpose are here to encourage you to live out your purpose.

Many people say to find your passion and find your purpose. I look at it another way. Hopefully, after reading through these principles you will see, that purpose determines passion because purpose determines design.

If you want to take the next step in discovering your purpose download this free resource.

Identify Your Purpose

This resource will help you connect the dots between your purpose and your passions, strengths and interests.