

Speaking Topics


Purpose – The Most Important Ingredient.

Living a fulfilled life begins with knowing and understanding our purpose. This topic explores the five questions everyone must ask of themself to have a meaningful life. Of the five questions, the question of, Why am I here is placed at the center of everything. Listeners will walk away knowing the five questions for life, God’s principles of purpose, why purpose is center to your marriage

The Purpose of the Man.

In this topic about three purposes of the man, his priority as a man, his position as a man and his assignment as a man. The topic also discusses the six foundational responsibilities of the man and the five things a man needs before a woman.

The Purpose and Uniqueness of the Woman.

This topic discusses why man was created, why woman was created, the result of the fall, the five areas woman is unique from man and the three purposes God made the woman.

Men are boxes, Women are strings

This is a fun topic for both husbands and wives as we learn about how God made us unique, why we need to manage these uniqueness, the five common misunderstandings for our spouses needs and how and why men and women are wired differently.

The Priority of Singleness

This topic discusses how God put the foundation for all human relationships and why singleness is more important than marriage.

God’s Original Intent for Mankind

This topic is for men and women, which is a study of Genesis 1 – Genesis 4. The audience will walk away understanding creation and common misunderstandings, why God created  mankind and how that impacts the role within the family, the intent for the male and female,  God’s design and structure for the family.

The Empire State Man

This topic focuses on the scripture in Proverbs, By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge it’s rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures. A wise man has great power, and a man of knowledge increases strength and Ephesians 5:23, For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church. Listeners will learn about what is the foundation to the family, how it impacts society and commons myths about the family structure.

Marriage is a Game

If marriage is played like a game we can learn six key principles for successful marriage. Couples will learn from what Super Bowl winning quarterbacks do to prepare for their games with topics such as, Proper preparation prevents poor performance. This topic is broken is great for single people through seasoned married couples.

The Garden Marriage

In this topic, we go back to God original intent for the husband and wife. When we look at the first three books in Genesis we can learn God’s intent for the man and woman and how they were to live together, what unity and oneness looks like biblically, and what the garden destroyers are for you marriage. 

Run Your Race

We live in a world that compares our weaknesses to others strengths. Their are various pressures in life for us to go off course and either pursue things that are good but not great, or right but not right now. We may even question our gifts, our purpose, our vision, our dream when we take our eyes and compare to others. This talk uses life example how we all need to run our own race.


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