Premarital Coaching

Premarital Coaching

Congrats, you are engaged! The wedding is coming up and I’m sure you are well into the planning stage. However, you may be wondering what’s next? Will married life be as good as it when we were dating? What will it be like as husband and wife? 

So why should I get involved and do premarital coaching? That’s a great question, I’m glad you asked. If I can get a little more serious for a minute, let me run this past you. If you think about it, you have went through some type of training where you may have spent as much as 50 hours learning how to drive, 10 of which were spent at night. This doesn’t even include the class, book study and final exam. For someone who goes to college, the average time to get a degree is a minimum of four years and that’s if you don’t add a minor or change your major. Based on a major university here in Tampa the average undergraduate tuition without room, board and meals is over $6,400 annually. And for the first year students living on campus will run over $17,500. Yet people will spend all this time and money without giving it any thought. But how many people will invest in preparing to spend their life with the person whom them will pledge their love too?

The fact that you’re here reading this tells me, you want more for your life with your spouse. You don’t just want a good marriage you want a great marriage.

I’ve not spoken to one person who goes into marriage with the plan and expectation that it won’t work out, right? Even so according to several research companies, 44% of all marriages end sadly in divorce. We all know someone who has been involved in a divorce and perhaps you may have personally felt the affects of divorce. With the average cost of an uncontested divorce ranging around $5,000-$7,000 with many between the $20,000-$30,000 range. And for contested divorces, those with more challenging arrangements can be north of $30,000. So I share all this not to scare you or put negative into anyone mind but give you perspective on the value of premarital coaching versus the cost of a divorce.

I’m here to prepare you for your future.

Not ready to begin a premarital coaching? 

That’s fine, we have you covered. You can try a DIY approach with our DIY Marriage Coaching. This covers the same material as the in-person virtual coaching but you go at your own pace.